BIM is a 12-bit stereo delay unit inspired by some studio delay processors built in the early 80s. These monophonic processors have been renowned for the quality and musicality of their sound. The processing was mainly analog (companders, limiters, low-pass filters, feedback path,…), and the signal was converted to digital just for the delay section, using 12-bit AD/DA converters and some RAM memory chips.
The advantage of this technology is particularly obvious when the sound is feedbacked many times through the whole analog and 12-bit circuitry. You’ll hear a sweet degradation and dark damping that the 100% digital delay boxes can’t offer. When OTO Machines designed BIM, they wanted to create a unique, modern and versatile effects processor based on this 80’s technology.
OTO Machines managed to mix the fabulous sound of an old 12-bit digital delay with modern features such as stereo processing, extra FXs, many user presets, MIDI control, tap tempo, compact size… therefore BIM is the best of both worlds!
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